Randy - 75 snatches @50#
I did this at 45#. Why?? Not really sure. The weight was light and I definitely should have been at 50#. Finished in 6:20.
My snatch is definitely getting better. I was able to "pop" the weight up and get under much more quickly last night... maybe due to the lighter weight. My 3x5 snatches on Saturday were twice as heavy. Also, I questioned my ability to get into a "rhythm" with snatches - ie. moving from one snatch directly into executing the next one. You have reset at the bottom, so I didn't understand how this could "flow." Fortunately, after watching a few videos of the fabulous Kate "Killer" Rawlings complete back/back snatches AND my coach agreeing with her technique and demonstrating it - I got it! Once the weight is overhead, bring it back down to your hips and then glide it down your legs to the floor for a quick reset and go! Do not let go of the bar in between reps - unless you need a break of course :) The other piece of coaching that helped me with the "popping" movement - ie. how you get the weight up to mid-body or shoulder height - was to think about it like a kettlebell swing. The hip motion is exactly the same with your snatch. And we all know how I feel about kettlebell swings! It was a helpful comparison for me. So... I am feeling better about the snatch. For now.
The second piece that hit me after the WOD was why the F*CK did I not do it at rx'd weight?! Clearly I am worked up about this still! I could have gone on the leader board and DEFINITELY could have done it. I felt the light weight as soon as I started the WOD and at that point it was too late. My thoughts here - I need to get better at 1. knowing my max lifts and being able to deduce a high rep weight from that and 2. questioning my coach. The latter being the hardest for my rule following, non-authority questioning self. But whats the worst that can happen, they say I can't handle it? I upgrade and the weight is too heavy so it takes me twice as long to finish? Anything short of killing myself, I can handle. (Killing myself, while it does sound harsh, is always an option for outcome at Crossfit, for me!).
The second piece that hit me after the WOD was why the F*CK did I not do it at rx'd weight?! Clearly I am worked up about this still! I could have gone on the leader board and DEFINITELY could have done it. I felt the light weight as soon as I started the WOD and at that point it was too late. My thoughts here - I need to get better at 1. knowing my max lifts and being able to deduce a high rep weight from that and 2. questioning my coach. The latter being the hardest for my rule following, non-authority questioning self. But whats the worst that can happen, they say I can't handle it? I upgrade and the weight is too heavy so it takes me twice as long to finish? Anything short of killing myself, I can handle. (Killing myself, while it does sound harsh, is always an option for outcome at Crossfit, for me!).
Bottom Line
Snatch is still not one of my favorite lifts, but its growing on me. I am starting to feel more confident in the movement and it shows when my body freely throws itself under the weight - that should not be your natural instinct. And, I shouldn't be afraid to ask for more weight. Only I know how hard I can push my body.