
Friday, July 23, 2010

Birthday WOD

If you told me 6 months ago that I would be spending my birthday morning weightlifting, I would have laughed at you! But today, that is exactly what I am doing. It feels great to "earn my day."
Snatch 3-3-3-3-3

55, 65, 70, 75, 80
I have come to realize that I ADORE heavy lifting WODs and could really do without endurance WODs. Too bad
CrossFit is all about punishing your weakness! The irony of that whole statement is that I could run for miles, for days even, at a non-sprint pace, but throw a 400 meter lap in between pull-ups or squats or you-name-it and I am wrecked.

In any case, analysis for this WOD - the snatch is my least favorite lift. I have not yet adjusted to the hook grip which btw is as awkward as it sounds, so I end up focusing on my grip way too much - and often just default to regular grip. Which is (kinda) ok for now, but as I enter the heavier weight zone, will not fly. The snatch, for those interested in learning about the lift, is comprised of three movements: the deadlift - slow to get off the ground; the jump or pop to get the weight up - the weight moves from the top of your knees to your groin area where you ideally "bounce" it off your body and it floats up into the air (I giggle bc it never floats for me!); and then the final push - you jump under the weight, and squat-stand it up. So, for me the first and last lifts are ok. The second lift however, really gets me. My diagnosis: I concentrate too hard on bouncing the weight off my body instead of just jumping and letting the weight naturally ride up. Yup, I am a thinker and a perfectionist - both of which hinder my fast adaptation to proper weight lifting technique. I like trying the lift slow and watching my coach execute it from several angles ... but sometimes you just gotta get 'er done. I do also hesitate to throw my body under the weight BUT I think that will come naturally as I stop pressing the weight up and use my hips to "float" it up instead.

Bottom line
This one needs work and as luck would have it, today's WOD is 75 snatches @50#.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously I love any blog where the word "snatch" appears multiple times.

    And yes, I may have pressured you into this but don't lie, you LOVE it.
