
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aug 25 2012

5min AMRAP: row @2K pace 1189m - this feels (and is when crunching numbers) slower to me than it should have been
rest 5 min
5min AMRAP: 15 box jumps (20'), 20 walking lunges 4 rounds + 5 BJ - Killed the box jumps, very pleased with that and very unusual for me; oddly the lunges were f'ing hard.. difficulty getting my knee all the way to the floor. Typically lunges are my moneymaker :/ But proudly, I just pushed through.
rest 5 min
5min AMRAP: 15 KBS (16kg), 10 DU 4 rounds +1 KB - All KB swings unbroken, nice controlled breathing until last round; DUs were nasty the first two rounds but then I strung together 10 for the remaining 2 rounds. I am pleased with that. CHEST UP!

Aug 24 2012

15min Double Under practice was able to stay more calm and complete sets of 10-12. Still a bit pike-y but MUCH better. Realized the more pike-y I get, the faster I try to jump. Also, concentrating on keeping my chest up has helped.

High Bar Back Squat
Set 1: 12 @75% 145
Set 2: 10 @80% 150
Set 3: 9 @80% 150
Set 4: 8 @85% 160
Realized that I am engaging my hips more like a low-bar back squat. Chest is still staying up simply because the bar is high on my back. Worked the last two sets concentrating on knees out vs. hips back. Noah watched a few sets, mentioned the same about my hip engagement. Also mentioned I might need more ankle mobility. Which leads me to not heavy lifting when I have limited time - I only rested about 1-2min btwn sets and did 2-3mins mobility before lifting. Need much more rest and mob time.

3 Rounds:
15 GHD sit-ups, rest 1 min These were fine, a little sore the next day but nothing bad.
3-6 RDL @ 31x1, rest 1 min set 1: 65#, Set 2: 95, Set 3: 125 should have started heavier, these were relatively easy until my last set
3, 4sec handstand negative, rest 1 min worked on bringing knees down at end of negative