
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug 22 2012

WOD @90% effort
12 rounds
30 sec KBS
30 sec active rest
30 sec 5 burpees then AMRAP pull-ups
30 sec active rest

16KG bell
Round 1: 16/4
Rd 2: 15/3
Rd 3: 15/3
Rd 4: 13/3
Rd 5: 13/3
Rd 6: 13/3
Rd 7: 13/3
Rd 8: 13/3
Rd 9: 13/3
Rd 10: 13/3
Rd 11: 13/3
Rd 12: 15/3
In my attempt to stay at the same pace each round, I kept my pull-ups low. I think I could have gone 5-6 for 1/2 and then dropped down, but not the goal. Moved easily through the first 13 set, the last two I was definitely pushing myself to keep moving. Could perhaps have used a heavier bell and done less reps?
Also - thought today.. this seems to be how I move through most, if not all, of my WODs. Wondering if my problem is kicking in the extra 10%, not holing steady at 90%?

morning: 1/2 banana, 1/2 OOTB cocoa bar, OOTB muffin
afternoon: fistful of pork and scoop of root mash from last night
evening: chicken tacos - paleo-style :)

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