
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aug 13 2012

High Bar Back Squat
Set 1.) 6 reps @50%  105#
Set 2.) 6 reps @60%  125
Set 3.) 4 reps @70%  145
Set 4.) 3 reps @80%  170
Set 5.) 2 reps @90%  190
Set 6.) 1 rep @100%
Set 7.) 1 rep @100%+ (optional)
Stopped at 190/1 rep. My back felt crunchy and my hips were shooting up first, out of the bottom. Was working off a 210 PR... though that was low bar. Its been a while since I worked with high bar and it shows. 10 minutes...

AMRAP @ 85% of best lift
Did this at 145# and lifted 8 reps.  Didn't go to failure..

3 minutes:
AMRAP Double Unders
Forgot to do this ..whoops! Will do Wed.

morning: Cucumber salad, Out of the Box cocoa bar
almond milk iced chai tea
afternoon: 2 eggs and a fistful of sirloin, chili peppers
dinner: one beef bratwurst, cucumber salad, sauteed red/green peppers (w/olive oil)  

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