
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 21 2012

20mins to establish 1RM power snatch
Outside of a few WODs here and there, I haven't really executed snatches - power or otherwise -since working towards the Open. Yeah, a long time. And my form today was disastrous. I got up to 95# relatively quickly, but the difference between 85 and 95# was very clear.. feet were getting wider, I was not dropping under the bar.. at all really. I struggled with 100# for about 3-4 mins and finally got it up, but simply because I got more power through my hips, bar got higher, and I could muscle snatch it over my head. Fail.

Bench Press
Set 1 6 reps@ 50% 65
Set 2 6 reps@ 60% 75
Set 3 4 reps@ 70 85
Set 4 3 reps@ 80 95
Set 5 2 reps@ 90 105
Set 6 1 rep @100+ 115
Set 7 1 rep@ 100+ 125
I wasn't sure what to use as my 1RM for bench, so I started with 100# (I think I have done a real bench press maybe once before.. ever!).  I was also working with the safety bars on the cage.. kinda freaky. So I didn't max out.. but I got close. Was pleased to get 125 up and think I could have gotten another 10#s on the bar.
Rest 10mins then AMRAP at 85% best lift.
Since 100# wasn't pretty, I used 95# as my best lift. So I did this AMRAP at 80# .. set a goal of 10 reps for myself. At 8, was starting to feel myself pull fwd on my toes, but finished up at 10reps. Def an exhaustive effort here.

Morning: Coffee and OOTB muffin
Afternoon: chicken, greens w/goat cheese
Evening: pork roast and carrot/sweet pot mash (both paleo prepared), one glass of red wine

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