
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chasing the Dragon

Quick note of celebration as I did not blog after Saturday's WOD.  At the end of the workout- which was really fun and kick-ass btw - I decided to try some pull-ups... without the band!  First pull-up = jumping from 45 lb plate on the ground, under the bar.  Second and third pull-ups = kipping and pull.  I haven't been this proud of myself in a long time!!  Really just grinning ear to ear.  I worked so hard and earned every bit of those pull-ups.  In the words of a very smart, blonde legal eagle: ME!!  As for the WOD, it included 5 rounds, 90 seconds to complete 5 heavy back squats and AMRAP box jumps - I maxed out at 155 on the squat and I believe got between 30 and 35 box jumps each round.

Now onto today:
Crossfit Total
1 rep max Back Squat, Deadlift and Press (in that order)

Back Squat 170
Deadlift 225
Press 75
Total 470

I really enjoyed this WOD.  I missed it last time so I didn't really have a comparison.  I also didn't have a one rep max to use as a base for lifting, but had a couple sets of 3 and sets of 5 to choose from.  All in all, I am very happy with my lifts. I definitely could have gone heavier on the squats but 170 felt heavy and was a clean lift.  The deadlift ... maybe could have gone 5 lbs higher, maybe.  225 was a heavy lift for me.  And the press.  Ahh, the sweet press.  After the squat and deadlift I was feeling so strong.  Leave it up to the press to remind me of my weaknesses!  Such a humbling lift.  I joked that I could have lifted 77.5, but was really only partially joking.  I couldn't get 80 lbs above my eyes. 

I look forward to looking back on this benchmark WOD after 30 days on a Paleo diet.  Better see a difference or else! LOL :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job. Great deadlift, I'm impressed.
