So after much rest last Thursday and a quick trip to San Fran Friday through Sunday, my neck is feeling much better. Its still sore when I move it certain ways - which I have overcome by just not moving in that direction ;) I started back at District yesterday and went in at 8am. I love working out at 8am because NO ONE shows up, usually. So I get 1:1 time with my coach and this particular day Andrew let me pick my workout. The WOD for the group involved overhead squats and I wasn't touching that with a 10 foot pole. So, we worked on double unders and toes-to-bar. Yeah, I am taking crazy pills I CHOOSE those exercises. The good news is that I can string my double unders now!! YEAH ME!!! I like to think its my crazy workout powers, but in reality I think it has a lot to do with my fancy new jump rope (lighter weight) and plain, straight-up, repetitive practice. Toes to bar was difficult for me because my kip wasn't jiving. And I actually think thats because of the width of our pull-up bars - I just couldn't get a good grip. Andrew tells me the new (and smaller) pull-up bars will be installed by tomorrow. I am looking forward to working on toes-to-bar then (and pull-ups of course). After practicing my skills, Andrew told me I was doing Annie rx'd and to try to get under 10 minutes. Well, I did it... just not under 10 minutes :)
50 double unders
50 sit-ups
40 double unders
40 sit-ups
30 double unders
30 sit-ups
20 double unders
20 sit-ups
10 double unders
10 sit-ups
17 minutes (I may have been a little under, may have been a little over - can't remember but was within 30 seconds of 17 minutes)
It was the double unders that took me forever. I could string them but once I got tired it was hard - and I got tired fast! I started the du's by breaking them up in sets of 5 - towards the end of the WOD I was able to bang them out in sets of 8 and 10. I think I was able to do this because I just wanted it done - but knowing that I could do 10 in a row tells me I need to push myself to do it in future WODs! This was a fun one and a good benchmark for me to do again in a month. I wish I had gone faster but am so excited I did the WOD rx'd and I was able to string double unders :)