Wednesday's WOD was slightly disastrous. I was feeling ok going in but tired out quickly on my overhead squats - the last one of which ended up on top of my head and then dropping behind me. Yes indeed. So onto the WOD, I was feeling less stronger than usual but with Andrew's encouragement decided to go with a nice, heavy weight for my clean and jerk. It was heavy, but definitely the right weight for me. Unfortunately, during my first set of clean and jerks, I moved my the neck the wrong way while cleaning my weight up. Result - immediate contracting of the muscle (ie. my neck) and a feeling that I can only relate to a waking up with a stiff neck. I completed one more clean and jerk and then couldn't move. It hurt so freakin' bad!! But I didn't want to be that girl that cried in the box (there's no crying in baseball right?!) so every time Andrew tried to talk to me, I just had to walk away. I painfully drove the car over to pick-up Shawn and immediately burst into tears in the car and again when I saw him. The rest of the night was about ice and ibuprofen and tears and this morning, I woke up feeling a bit better but still with limited and painful movement. Soooo, tomorrow's cross country flight will be interesting (if I still can't turn my head) and today I worked from home with an ice pack on my neck. I am not upset, this is going to happen when I push myself. I just wish I could have gotten one more WOD in before I left for travel this weekend (that's kinda twisted ;). Oh well, I look forward to starting back up on Monday.
40 Double Unders
4 Ground to Overhead (which I attempted as a clean and jerk)
30 Double unders
3 Ground to Overhead
20 Double unders
2 Ground to Overhead
10 Double Unders
1 Ground to Overhead Ground to Overhead is 70% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk.
OHS 65, 75 (x3) 85 (x2), 95 (x1), 105 (f @1)
WOD @ 85lbs. stopped after first round