
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aug 25 2012

5min AMRAP: row @2K pace 1189m - this feels (and is when crunching numbers) slower to me than it should have been
rest 5 min
5min AMRAP: 15 box jumps (20'), 20 walking lunges 4 rounds + 5 BJ - Killed the box jumps, very pleased with that and very unusual for me; oddly the lunges were f'ing hard.. difficulty getting my knee all the way to the floor. Typically lunges are my moneymaker :/ But proudly, I just pushed through.
rest 5 min
5min AMRAP: 15 KBS (16kg), 10 DU 4 rounds +1 KB - All KB swings unbroken, nice controlled breathing until last round; DUs were nasty the first two rounds but then I strung together 10 for the remaining 2 rounds. I am pleased with that. CHEST UP!

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