
Friday, September 3, 2010

Mix and Match

So I didn't blog after Tuesday's WOD... because there wasn't much to blog about.  It was a lovely lifting lesson: snatch and clean & jerk, but I had to leave early so I missed the C&J piece.  For the snatch, we had two minutes to complete one rep - and only three rounds.  I believe I maxed out at 75#s (?).  I think I was concentrating on the movement too much because I only had the opportunity for one rep.  My three rep max is 85#... its great to work on technique though - we all know my feelings on these two lifts ;)

Today's WOD was lovely. I have been a bit congested this week so breathing hasn't been the easiest. I powered through however and am 95% happy with the results - would have liked to make it to 8 complete rounds.

5 Overhead Squats
10 Wall Ball
AMRAP 10 minutes

OHS - 50#
Wall ball - 12 lbs
7 rounds, 5 OHS, 4 wall ball

I thought this was going be challenging on my heart and arms - I was wrong.  I burned out fast in my thighs.  This was basically 10 minutes of squatting - yeah, I forgot about the legs.  I am glad I went with 50# on the OHS - I could have done 55 but think it would have just been enough to really slow me down.  And surprisingly, the 12# wall ball felt light (or, lighter than expected)!!  Probably because the last few WB WODs I have completed with 16 - and I can't sugar-coat it, that shit ain't light!  All in all, I was happy with the way I performed. Next time I will hit 10 rounds for sure!!  I do continue to struggle with pushing myself over "the physical line" during workouts.  I know I can push my body through , and I think Crossfit athletes who are over-performers know how to do this... still trying to figure that mental piece out.  I am looking forward to getting a strong workout in tmrw and then laying by the pool with friends.  

I did want to mention the Paleo Challenge this month.  I am hesitant and excited all at the same time.  I can't afford to buy-in for prizes but told District I would participate.  I have great recipes to share after all!!  (and yes the recipe section on this blog will be updated soon :) I am nervous about traveling for work and staying Paleo. I have 10 days straight of work travel at the end of this month.. and nothing is a diet killer more than airports and black tie dinners.  I will do my best. The good news is I have a jump rope and can (no, WILL!) do travel wods while on the road.  Looking forward to losing the last few lbs of chubs on my belly and thighs :)  I know dieting and my body well, and while Paleo is not meant to be a diet but a lifestyle, I know my body responds quickly to the removal of diary and bread.. oh, and beer.  Curious about the impact on my lifts and WOD times, though it doesn't take a rocket scientist to connect weight loss and increased physical performance ;)

And finally, I haven't tried a pull-up in a few weeks - will try that out tmrw and let you all know how it goes!  Happy holiday Friday!

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