
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Freddy's dead.

“Freddy’s Revenge”
5 Rounds:
5 Jerks (185/135)
10 Burpees

95# first two rounds, 85# last three rounds
ring dip intervals: red band, 10 max/5min

Love interval work. I really want to get a couple independent ring dips this summer ... plus I love having strong arms for tank top season :) Freddy certainly got revenge on me today. I thought I could make it through at 95# but starting the third round, I got one up and one the second I just couldn't. Scaled and it felt much better - I could easily break it up to 3/2.  The irony is that if the movement was to clean and jerk 5x, I could have done 95#.  Funny, more work, but I think I get a little rest in between the clean and jerk... great workout.  bruised collar bones!

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