
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ah, the power of the power snatch!

So yesterday I was bit a nervous for the WOD. It's the first lifting WOD since I injured myself last week - and the same movement. The power snatch, and then the power clean.  Andrew was quite helpful. He watched my lifts with an eagle eye and told me to take my time, start light but don't be afraid to build up. I also kept creeping my hands in - because I was nervous and felt more stable with the weight above my head that way - and had trouble squatting lower while keeping my feet in (my body naturally spreads my feet wide wide wide, think sumo wrestler, when trying to get under the bar but this is not stable).  All in all, I feel good about the work I did. My weight wasn't even close to PR but I think my technique is better for it!

power snatch

10min AMRAP
10 power clean @ 100% power snatch weight
10 ring dips

PS 35-45-55-65-75-85 
5 rounds + 7 power cleans (blue band)

The snatch is always an interesting lift. It involves popping that weight above your head, from the ground, with minimal arm work - its all in the hips!  I freaky to think about the weight you are flying above your head, but easier to drop than an overhead squat ... yeah, I am scared with those ;)  85lbs was ok to get up for the snatch so I know I could have PR'd and gone at least to 100 but again I was focusing on form and control (the control part isn't always the best for maximum performance in xfit).  I decided to lower back down to 80lbs for the cleans because well, yeah I was still concerned about last week's incident. The cleans were easy and fast which was good. I needed that little confidence boost.  The ring dips were good with blue band - my triceps were exhausting by the fourth round...  everyone else exhausted by the second or third which tells me I am almost ready to downgrade. We need red bands.

I also really enjoyed the way Andrew taught the snatch yesterday. Asking questions and explaining why we move the way we do... I feel like I understand the mechanics of the movement much better now - now if only I could get my body to move exactly how it should!   Looking forward to working out with Christy Friday morning. Its been a while since she's coached me :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm baaaaack! Kinda...

So after much rest last Thursday and a quick trip to San Fran Friday through Sunday, my neck is feeling much better. Its still sore when I move it certain ways - which I have overcome by just not moving in that direction ;) I started back at District yesterday and went in at 8am.  I love working out at 8am because NO ONE shows up, usually.  So I get 1:1 time with my coach and this particular day Andrew let me pick my workout.  The WOD for the group involved overhead squats and I wasn't touching that with a 10 foot pole.  So, we worked on double unders and toes-to-bar.  Yeah, I am taking crazy pills I CHOOSE those exercises.  The good news is that I can string my double unders now!!  YEAH ME!!!  I like to think its my crazy  workout powers, but in reality I think it has a lot to do with my fancy new jump rope (lighter weight) and plain, straight-up, repetitive practice.  Toes to bar was difficult for me because my kip wasn't jiving. And I actually think thats because of the width of our pull-up bars - I just couldn't get a good grip. Andrew tells me the new (and smaller) pull-up bars will be installed by tomorrow. I am looking forward to working on toes-to-bar then (and pull-ups of course).  After practicing my skills, Andrew told me I was doing Annie rx'd and to try to get under 10 minutes.  Well, I did it... just not under 10 minutes :)

50 double unders
50 sit-ups
40 double unders
40 sit-ups
30 double unders
30 sit-ups
20 double unders
20 sit-ups
10 double unders
10 sit-ups

17 minutes (I may have been a little under, may have been a little over - can't remember but was within 30 seconds of 17 minutes)

It was the double unders that took me forever.  I could string them but once I got tired it was hard - and I got tired fast!  I started the du's by breaking them up in sets of 5 - towards the end of the WOD I was able to bang them out in sets of 8 and 10. I think I was able to do this because I just wanted it done - but knowing that I could do 10 in a row tells me I need to push myself to do it in future WODs!  This was a fun one and a good benchmark for me to do again in a month.  I wish I had gone faster but am so excited I did the WOD rx'd and I was able to string double unders :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life is pain, Highness!

Wednesday's WOD was slightly disastrous.  I was feeling ok going in but tired out quickly on my overhead squats - the last one of which ended up on top of my head and then dropping behind me.  Yes indeed.  So onto the WOD, I was feeling less stronger than usual but with Andrew's encouragement decided to go with a nice, heavy weight for my clean and jerk. It was heavy, but definitely the right weight for me.  Unfortunately, during my first set of clean and jerks, I moved my the neck the wrong way while cleaning my weight up. Result - immediate contracting of the muscle (ie. my neck) and a feeling that I can only relate to a waking up with a stiff neck.  I completed one more clean and jerk and then couldn't move.  It hurt so freakin' bad!!  But I didn't want to be that girl that cried in the box (there's no crying in baseball right?!) so every time Andrew tried to talk to me, I just had to walk away.  I painfully drove the car over to pick-up Shawn and immediately burst into tears in the car and again when I saw him.  The rest of the night was about ice and ibuprofen and tears and this morning, I woke up feeling a bit better but still with limited and painful movement.  Soooo, tomorrow's cross country flight will be interesting (if I still can't turn my head) and today I worked from home with an ice pack on my neck.  I am not upset, this is going to happen when I push myself.  I just wish I could have gotten one more WOD in before I left for travel this weekend (that's kinda twisted ;).  Oh well, I look forward to starting back up on Monday.

Overhead Squat
40 Double Unders
4 Ground to Overhead (which I attempted as a clean and jerk)
30 Double unders
3 Ground to Overhead
20 Double unders
2 Ground to Overhead
10 Double Unders
1 Ground to Overhead
Ground to Overhead is 70% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk.
OHS 65, 75 (x3) 85 (x2), 95 (x1), 105 (f @1)
WOD @ 85lbs. stopped after first round

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another day, another deadlift.

I had fun with this WOD. I really enjoy the days when we work on lifting technique, then do a short WOD.  I am so a lifting gal vs. a met-con gal (sorry Liz!).  I will only be working out three times this week due to work travel Friday-Sunday.  Makes me feel a bit lazy ... but after four days on last week, I think my body appreciates a lighter week.  Maybe this calls for a run in San Fran?!  Its been a while since I have gotten out and enjoyed a jog ..    

Power Clean 3-3-3-3
5 rounds 
5 Deadlift @ 75% max weight

Clean 55, 65, 85, 95(f@3)
5:28 @ 145

I walked in thinking that there was no way I could do 75% of 235lbs for 25 reps (which would be 175).  My lower back was still sore from Crossfit Total on Friday and gardening all weekend.  Now that I have completed the WOD I think I could have done it but it would have been closer to 10mins.  The burpees went fassssst!  Which is often not the case for me.  The deadlift by the 3 round was 1-2 reps at a time.  I enjoyed this WOD.
Cleans. Ahhhh, sweet cleans. So I get very frustrated with this lift, very quickly.  At first, Andrew said I wasn't getting under the weight, making the lift harder than it needed to be. Obviously I didn't believe him.  But... then I saw how high I was actually getting the weight and realized, no really, I am not getting under the weight.  It's just not a natural move for me. And then, once I started focusing on getting under the weight and my body started getting tired (after several lifts), I just stopped "popping" the weight up which basically made the lift impossible.  According to Andrew, if I could figure out the middle explosion I would be able to put some heavy weight up.  For all intensive purposes I am muscling the bar up (and muscling up 95lbs is no joke!!).  So, next time we do this lift, I will concentrate on being more "explosive" and getting under - shouldn't be so hard right? LOL

On a side note, I created some delicious pumpkin paleo recipes yesterday. I will post them later today. I also ordered a fancy new jump rope. I found a great deal and can't wait to try double unders with it!

Monday, October 18, 2010

End of the Paleo Challenge

So last week was the official end of the Paleo Challenge. I wrapped up Friday by completing a Crossfit Total WOD and then stuffing my face at the Paleo (freezing cold) rooftop bbque.  I won the spirit stick - really, was this ever not an option?! - which means dinner for two at Fogo de Chao (I know I am not spelling this right but you know this place, its a meat restaurant!). YUM.  Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I am glad I went.  I wasn't as impressed with my change in weight for the Total as I was with change in time for the Thursday WOD.  But I'll take what I got!  Still would like to see my back squat at 200 and deadlift at 255 ... I will feel super accomplished (and strong) at that stage.

Crossfit Total
1 rep max Back SquatDeadlift and Press (in that order)

Back Squat 180
Deadlift 235
Press 75
Total 490  (former was 470)

Lifting Friday felt a bit off.  I don't like doing these one rep max lifts with no one else lifting. I like having to wait while 3-4 people lift from the bar - it gives me time to collect myself and rest my muscles.  I also think, to Andrew's point, that because I am lifting heavier weight, when I start with the lower weight I am just muscling it up instead of being aggressive with the lift. These two factors combined equals a "Jenn Miller" working too hard to get weight up!  The more aggressive I am the more the momentum of the lift will push the weight up vs. all me, all the time.  I improved on by back squat by 10lbs and think I could have gotten the 185 up but I went down too fast and too forward which = Jenn's on her butt and Andrew holding the weight.  Next time.  
As for my deadlift, I was pleased to get up 235 but not pleased that I couldn't open my hips at the top of the lift!!  Seriously. Andrew got some hilarious video footage of me wobbling around with the weight, trying to pop it up with one thigh (which is now all sorts of bruised) and generally laughing and struggling to open up.  Hilarious.  I count it as lifted but in competition it would not have passed.  
Press stayed the same. Ever the same. Hardest lift ever when you reach that max.

I am enjoying staying relatively Paleo in my eating habits even though the challenge is done.  I do allow myself some diary and treats. For example, Saturday at the farm I ate (and really enjoyed!) a caramel apple. And I refuse to feel guilty about it. I have come to terms with eating 85% Paleo, making good eating choices most often, and then when I want to stray, as long as its only here and there and not every day, then I will and I will enjoy making the decision :)  I feel like I have come to a good place with eating and body image (though it always feels like there is more work to be done). I am happy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

two times the charm??

So today I was disappointed to not be able to do the WOD (Air Force WOD - awesome!!) but excited to do my first Paleo Challenge make-up WOD.  Per yesterday's blog I am making up from not being able to participate last week. DRUM ROLL ....  and yes!  ME!!  I am pleased with my results - especially considering out of the 4 weeks I was probably only working out and eating paleo about 65% time.  I will repeat these WODs again in two months so I have a three month, 85% Paleo (wink!) benchmark.

5 Rounds:
Run 400 meters
15:14 (previous time 17:48)

I really wanted to break 15 minutes on this WOD but realistically I knew any time under 16mins would be great for me.  I felt totally on my game and pushed through the run MUCH more than I did the first go round.  I love squats, so felt comfortable keeping pace there. It helped that each time I entered the box I gave myself a 3 minute mark to get out before (ie. first round out before 3mins, second round out bf 6mins, third out bf 9mins, etc. for 5 mins - if I kept this pace I would finish in 15mins).  So next time, if I can get a bit faster during the run (which I know will come as I continue to shed lbs) I know I can do this in under 14 minutes.  I finished my first run shockingly well under 2 minutes.  Impressive!  Funny enough I almost didn't re-do these WODs or send before/after pictures because I thought there was no chance in HELL that I would win.  But ... I think I might actually have a slim chance! LOL :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First days back are always the hardest...

So last week was a crap shoot as far as Crossfit and Paleo eating goes ... not only did I have a ton of work (ahem, HRC Fall Board meeting and largest fundraiser of the year) but I had my first allergic reaction to food. Well, we think to food.  I woke up last Monday with horrible hives on the trunk of my body, went to Urgent Care Tues for steroids, woke up Thursday with hives spreading on my hands and feet, and back to Urgent Care Sunday morning for a shot and more pills.  All this with a work schedule to boot!  So, the shot was glorious; Monday was better; Tuesday was best!  So of course, Tuesday I was back at the box!!  Allergist appt to determine allergy TBD - can they really figure out the allergy? Is it really worth the process? hmmm...

Yesterday was ok for my first WOD back in about 10 days. I felt very winded with the box jumps but held my own on weight and push-ups which pleased me.  Today was a bit better - see analysis below :)  This is a met-con kinda week!

10 minute AMRAP:
Max Pullups
200m Run

Blue b, 46 pull-ups total

It's not that I have a defeatest attitude, really!  But there is something about max pull-ups that my body just rejects. Honestly, my arms aren't totally dead when I drop off the bar, I know I can do more, I just don't.  Not sure that makes sense to anyone but me!!  I feel like the med-con WODs are getting more manageable - in the sense that I have kinda learned how to push my body through the puking feeling.  BUT with max pull-ups I just can't keep pushing. I can't keep on the bar after 8-10 reps.  And it's quite frustrating actually...  I think it's almost 100% mental so I need to get outside of my head on this one. On a good note, I do feel like my runs are getting quicker and more efficient.  This I appreciate.  Thank you body :)
I am back to eating Paleo after straying with the stress of last week... or a lighter version of it. I am allowing myself to have honey and agave but otherwise am pretty good about no grains or dairy. To be honest, I am kinda nervous to eat both bc of my allergic reaction (though I know its a slim slim chance that either of us are the cause of my itchiness!).  And of course, any excuse I have to consume coconut milk, coconut meat, coconut cream, I WILL!  Its my new obsession.  My body feels good - Crossfit and clean eating suits me (as long as I give myself permission to stray WITHOUT guilt).  And while eating without guilt may seem like a small win, its actually a HUGE win to this food lover. 

Playing catch-up!!

So, it appears I tend to be on-spot with my updates for a month... and then delinquent for a month! LOL  I promise to try harder for consistency here... travel just keeps this lady busy busy.  So here are a couple quick updates for recording purposes (and I am missing the first week in Oct, oops!) and then I will do a real blog and discussion about today's workout.

Sept 16 WOD
21 OHS
42 Pullups
15 OHS
30 Pullups
18 Pullups
Women use 65#
Modified for me to finish in under 20 mins - though I finished well under so wonder if I could have done Rx'd numbers?:
21 OHS, 28 PUs (blue b) / 15 OHS, 14 PUs / 9 OHS, 6 PUs

Sept 17 WOD
Floor Press
10min AMRAP:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Women use 55#
65, 85, 95 (f@3), 90 (f@5), 90
9 rounds + 4 HDPU

Sept 18 WOD
Thrusters, Pull-ups 65lbs rx'd
65#, green band

Sept 27 WOD
Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
3 sets max pull-ups
85, 105, 125, 135, 145, 155(f), 155 (f)
blue band: 15/12/7

Sept 29 WOD
Push Press
3 Rounds:
400m Run
21 DB Swings
12 Pullups
PP: 75, 85, 95, 100, 105 (f)
blue band, 35# 13:48
Oct 12 WOD
15 minute AMRAP:
10 Push Presses
10 Box Jumps
10 Pushups
RX'D: Women use 75# for Push Press, 20″ for Box Jumps.
55# push press, 20" Box, push-ups RX'd
7 rounds, 10PP, 9 Box Jumps