
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ah, the power of the power snatch!

So yesterday I was bit a nervous for the WOD. It's the first lifting WOD since I injured myself last week - and the same movement. The power snatch, and then the power clean.  Andrew was quite helpful. He watched my lifts with an eagle eye and told me to take my time, start light but don't be afraid to build up. I also kept creeping my hands in - because I was nervous and felt more stable with the weight above my head that way - and had trouble squatting lower while keeping my feet in (my body naturally spreads my feet wide wide wide, think sumo wrestler, when trying to get under the bar but this is not stable).  All in all, I feel good about the work I did. My weight wasn't even close to PR but I think my technique is better for it!

power snatch

10min AMRAP
10 power clean @ 100% power snatch weight
10 ring dips

PS 35-45-55-65-75-85 
5 rounds + 7 power cleans (blue band)

The snatch is always an interesting lift. It involves popping that weight above your head, from the ground, with minimal arm work - its all in the hips!  I freaky to think about the weight you are flying above your head, but easier to drop than an overhead squat ... yeah, I am scared with those ;)  85lbs was ok to get up for the snatch so I know I could have PR'd and gone at least to 100 but again I was focusing on form and control (the control part isn't always the best for maximum performance in xfit).  I decided to lower back down to 80lbs for the cleans because well, yeah I was still concerned about last week's incident. The cleans were easy and fast which was good. I needed that little confidence boost.  The ring dips were good with blue band - my triceps were exhausting by the fourth round...  everyone else exhausted by the second or third which tells me I am almost ready to downgrade. We need red bands.

I also really enjoyed the way Andrew taught the snatch yesterday. Asking questions and explaining why we move the way we do... I feel like I understand the mechanics of the movement much better now - now if only I could get my body to move exactly how it should!   Looking forward to working out with Christy Friday morning. Its been a while since she's coached me :)