
Thursday, October 14, 2010

two times the charm??

So today I was disappointed to not be able to do the WOD (Air Force WOD - awesome!!) but excited to do my first Paleo Challenge make-up WOD.  Per yesterday's blog I am making up from not being able to participate last week. DRUM ROLL ....  and yes!  ME!!  I am pleased with my results - especially considering out of the 4 weeks I was probably only working out and eating paleo about 65% time.  I will repeat these WODs again in two months so I have a three month, 85% Paleo (wink!) benchmark.

5 Rounds:
Run 400 meters
15:14 (previous time 17:48)

I really wanted to break 15 minutes on this WOD but realistically I knew any time under 16mins would be great for me.  I felt totally on my game and pushed through the run MUCH more than I did the first go round.  I love squats, so felt comfortable keeping pace there. It helped that each time I entered the box I gave myself a 3 minute mark to get out before (ie. first round out before 3mins, second round out bf 6mins, third out bf 9mins, etc. for 5 mins - if I kept this pace I would finish in 15mins).  So next time, if I can get a bit faster during the run (which I know will come as I continue to shed lbs) I know I can do this in under 14 minutes.  I finished my first run shockingly well under 2 minutes.  Impressive!  Funny enough I almost didn't re-do these WODs or send before/after pictures because I thought there was no chance in HELL that I would win.  But ... I think I might actually have a slim chance! LOL :)