
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First days back are always the hardest...

So last week was a crap shoot as far as Crossfit and Paleo eating goes ... not only did I have a ton of work (ahem, HRC Fall Board meeting and largest fundraiser of the year) but I had my first allergic reaction to food. Well, we think to food.  I woke up last Monday with horrible hives on the trunk of my body, went to Urgent Care Tues for steroids, woke up Thursday with hives spreading on my hands and feet, and back to Urgent Care Sunday morning for a shot and more pills.  All this with a work schedule to boot!  So, the shot was glorious; Monday was better; Tuesday was best!  So of course, Tuesday I was back at the box!!  Allergist appt to determine allergy TBD - can they really figure out the allergy? Is it really worth the process? hmmm...

Yesterday was ok for my first WOD back in about 10 days. I felt very winded with the box jumps but held my own on weight and push-ups which pleased me.  Today was a bit better - see analysis below :)  This is a met-con kinda week!

10 minute AMRAP:
Max Pullups
200m Run

Blue b, 46 pull-ups total

It's not that I have a defeatest attitude, really!  But there is something about max pull-ups that my body just rejects. Honestly, my arms aren't totally dead when I drop off the bar, I know I can do more, I just don't.  Not sure that makes sense to anyone but me!!  I feel like the med-con WODs are getting more manageable - in the sense that I have kinda learned how to push my body through the puking feeling.  BUT with max pull-ups I just can't keep pushing. I can't keep on the bar after 8-10 reps.  And it's quite frustrating actually...  I think it's almost 100% mental so I need to get outside of my head on this one. On a good note, I do feel like my runs are getting quicker and more efficient.  This I appreciate.  Thank you body :)
I am back to eating Paleo after straying with the stress of last week... or a lighter version of it. I am allowing myself to have honey and agave but otherwise am pretty good about no grains or dairy. To be honest, I am kinda nervous to eat both bc of my allergic reaction (though I know its a slim slim chance that either of us are the cause of my itchiness!).  And of course, any excuse I have to consume coconut milk, coconut meat, coconut cream, I WILL!  Its my new obsession.  My body feels good - Crossfit and clean eating suits me (as long as I give myself permission to stray WITHOUT guilt).  And while eating without guilt may seem like a small win, its actually a HUGE win to this food lover.