
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Power Clean or Bust!

Great to WOD with Betsy again!  And great to be back - first WOD in week+ !!  My arms gave out right around the fourth round ;)

Power Clean
6 Rounds of 3 Minute AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans
4 Strict Pullups
5 Strict Ring Dips
Rest 1 minute

PC: 110, 115 (f)
15 rounds + 3PC+4PU (blue band first 3 rounds, green band remaining rounds; box dips)

I loathe strict pull-ups. They are SO hard and make me feel SO weak - bc I have to use the green band almost always.  SUCK.  I want to migrate to blue band as soon as possible.  Oddly I found box dips more difficult than ring dips - I guess bc I didn't have the band to help.  I tried to not engage my toes as much as possible. This was fun. 6mins is just enough time to work hard and one min is just enough time to give your arms a shake but still feel motivated to start again.

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