
Friday, January 14, 2011

WODing with Adam!

So yesterday I attended the 7pm, 100 level class so Adam could come along.  It was a nice opportunity to work on my clean form and the WOD was still (as always) challenging :)  I think/hope Adam had as much fun as I did - I love sharing the kool-aid!  Because it was a 100 level class the WOD was scaled... and here it is:

5 Rounds:
10 med ball cleans
10 reverse burpees (my new favorite exercise :)
20 box jumps

12# med ball; short box 
14mins ... and some seconds, maybe 12??

The med ball cleans were super easy and I freakin' LOVE reverse burpees. I continue to loathe box jumps but was proud of myself for actually cycling through! I did one set of 20 without even stopping!!  Thats new for me. I focused on jumping up and that really helped (vs. jumping out)  Funny story, in the first round I was super confident, rocked through the cleans and burpees with no break then walked up to the box and jumped.. or so I thought I did. My legs didn't move, the quads were firmly staying put and I just tumbled right over the box.  Hilarious.  I tend to forget that sometimes just telling your legs to move isn't enough ;)

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