
Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Murph. What an honor to complete this WOD...

For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pullups
200 Pushups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
Pullups, Pushups, and Squats can be partitioned anyway. If you have a 20# vest and boot, wear them.

69:19, red band

It was an honor to do this WOD. First mile, check.  Halfway through exercises, check. Then muscle exhaustion started setting in... finished up, at the encouragement and number tracking of my very special BF, and then onto the last mile run. Legs just wouldn't move - that was the hardest part. Pat ran the last quarter mile with me, and Shawn ran me in.  I am so proud of myself for finishing it!!  And thankful for some very special WOD buddies today :)  awesome way to honor the military..

Forgot to post last Thurs May 26

12 minutes AMRAP:9 KB Swings (2/1.5)
6 Front Squats (95/65)
3 Overhead Squats (95/65)

1pood, 65#
7 rounds+9KB+6FS

arm exhaustion, but good WOD. My form was great, my speed was not. I need to push myself on time - doesn't always need to be perfect form.  next time would like to reach 10 rounds.

Monday, May 23, 2011


For Time:
75 Snatches (75/55)

80# press
Rx'd 7:58

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Drop-in at Crossfit Verve (Denver)

Finally made time to do a drop-in and 200% worth-it. Awesome people and coaches - will definitely do it again!

3 Rounds: 30 squat cleans, 30 pull-ups, 800 meter run

red band, 40-ish# sand bag
35 and some minutes

So this was awesome. We worked on pull-ups before the WOD and I cycled 5 pull-ups in THREE SETS! That was cool... I was just really getting the push-away from the top piece - thanks Christy!!  Loved loved loved working with sand bags. I had never done that before, and they ran out of dumbbells so they put me with a lovely lady that was an amazing athlete and we sand-bagged the WOD.  Tough work, but again really fun.  The run was my killer... the pull-ups were actually ok.  Hard to catch a breathe in Denver but really glad I took time out to workout and meet some awesome folks.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It got into my head.

2 Rounds:
500m Row
25 Thrusters (45/35)
15 Pullups

12:15 or 12:51... I actually think it was 12:15 but I wrote 12:51 on the Board.  Doesn't matter either way, I didn't bring it today.

This WOD fucked with my head SO badly.  I set myself up for failure before we even started actually... as soon as I got to the box, I realized I was working out with Jenn and Mike Jones. FML - two of our fastest crossfitters. Immediately my brain went to disappointment. I didn't want to be finishing my first round when they were finishing their second.  Ego rears its head part 1.

Then we worked on sprinting row technique.  I always thought I was a good rower, but I find when I break down movements and then go back to focusing on the movement  as a whole I get overwhelmed, thinking about too many small movements and mess it all up.  Yeah, that was me on the rower today. I know better than to shoot my hips back! 

The biggest disappointment I had in myself today is that I actually started to give up. Ego - nail - coffin.  I stopped twice during the second round 500m row... like completely stopped.  I HAVE NEVER STOPPED ON A ROW.  I kept hearing the "you can't do this" in my head and no matter how hard I tried to push it out, I just couldn't.  And then I was stuck having to finish my second round with Andrew, Mike and Jen all staring at me - which was really just them cheering me on and being supportive... but in my warped head, they were staring. judging. PLAY WITH THE BABY!  I kid... but my ego was burnt today.  And burnt mostly because I know I could have done better. I could have pushed through that last row, I could have stayed on the bar for 15 pull-ups, I definitely could have finished 25 thrusters without putting the bar down.  I just didn't do it.

I do think my ego is still bruised from earlier this week... and I will get over that eventually.  Though in the spirit of full disclosure it is going to be hard to see all the new coaches in the new space. Shawn gave me great advice about tabling my "girl emotions" and I will... but this week I am still pouting. And I am positive that played into my shitty performance and attitude today. 

Ok, moving on.  Finding inspiration in one of my favorite xfit quotes: "I almost always want to look pretty, except when I'm doing CrossFit. Then I want to be badass and breathe hard and keep my vow to never cheat, never quit." ~ Melissa 'Melicious' Joulwan

And cool news... I am working out Saturday at Crossfit Verve - Matt Chan's box. I kinda hope I get to meet him :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back to the grind... after a week of "bakery off"

10 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Air Squats

21:51 red band

When I first saw this I thought, oh 10 rounds of 10 sets, this is so manageable. By the fourth round I was starting to lose my grip abilities, and by the sixth round all I could think was FML.  Everything was rx'd with the exception of the pull-ups. At that volume I need a band - or maybe I don't ... but it would have taken another 10 minutes without a band ;) The good news is that I was cycling through the 10 for the first half and even when I had to start breaking them into sets of 5, I still had good height over the bar and control of my kip. Of course, pull-ups is what slowed me down. Push-ups were hard on my grip muscles, air squats and sit-ups were gloriously easy. Hard WOD mentally ... though today's looks like a real doozy for the brain too ...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I love truffle oil. A LOT.

“Tabata This”
Tabata Intervals ( 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times) is applied in turn to the  Rower, Pullups, Sit-ups, and Push-ups with a one minute rotation break between exercises. Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals. During the one minute rotation time allowed the clock is not stopped but kept running. The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.

Row: 5
Push-Up: 5
Pull-up: 4
Sit-up: 9

Did an 8am class this morning - was wide awake around 6:30am.   Weird. Row for calories sucks. Pull-ups immediately after push-ups was hard. But I was pleased with these numbers. The first 3-4 rounds I was putting out solid reps - 7 on the row, 12 on the push-up, 11 on the pull-up, and 13 on the sit-up (though that should have probably been higher, I was tired by then ;).  PS. not that this is news to anyone, I am the queen of doing the negative on my pull-ups. I set myself up for immediate exhaustion.  Need to work on that.

Had a cobb salad with balsamic and truffle oil for lunch today. Truffle oil might be my new favorite favorite ever!!  Delicious.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pat Sherwood taught me this weekend :)

One of my favorite crossfitters, Pat Sherwood, was the instructor from Crossfit HQ at my Level One Cert this weekend. I was a little star struck - and he's super nice and friendly.  And watching him (and the others) workout was... awesome.  We had a handful of other kick-ass instructors (including Kelly Jo Smith from Montana who was a powerhouse - I want to grow-up to be just like her!).  I learned a ton, passed the test, and am home.. really sore .. from working out with PVC! :)

We did Fran on Saturday: 6:48 (65#, jumping pull-ups)
Sunday WOD: 7 minute Team AMRAP: partner 1: push-ups (hand release), partner 2: KB Swings (35#), racking up reps while partner 3: lunges length of parking lot and back. Then Rotate.  Our group fell out in the middle with 283 reps.

Learned some new technique for kipping my pull-up and got a couple strung together.. that was cool. And even cooler, I got my first full range, independent ring dip.  And by full-range, I mean I felt like I was in the negative with my chest below the rings. That was the coolest! The kipping push with the feet really helps!  I think DCFs ring dip volume training prepped me well for that work..  I also have such respect for my DCF coaches (not that I didn't before) but I got several compliments this weekend on my lifting technique... always pre-faced or followed with "it's not perfect but.."  Thats 100% Andrew, Christy and Noah and I am so thankful. Oh, it was also cool that when I wore my DCF t-shirt Pat was like .. DCF, how do I know DCF... oh Christy Phillips!!  Yeah baby, name recognition from HQ. I like it :)

Row Row Row ..

For Time:
750M Row
500M Row
250M Row
Rest Amply Between Sets.

Clean 125#
750: 2:58
500: 1:57
250: 1:00

Posting this one late and the 500 time might be a couple seconds off - but I definitely remember my 750 and 250.  Its seared into my brain actually :)  My hole (or one of them) in training is cardio endurance. If it wasn't for Robin standing next to the rower and yelling at me, I think I would have quit 1/2way through on all the rows. Tx Robin :)  I got 125# up on the clean with effort but not max effort. That's amazing.  Now I am curious what my one rep max is ...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Freddy's dead.

“Freddy’s Revenge”
5 Rounds:
5 Jerks (185/135)
10 Burpees

95# first two rounds, 85# last three rounds
ring dip intervals: red band, 10 max/5min

Love interval work. I really want to get a couple independent ring dips this summer ... plus I love having strong arms for tank top season :) Freddy certainly got revenge on me today. I thought I could make it through at 95# but starting the third round, I got one up and one the second I just couldn't. Scaled and it felt much better - I could easily break it up to 3/2.  The irony is that if the movement was to clean and jerk 5x, I could have done 95#.  Funny, more work, but I think I get a little rest in between the clean and jerk... great workout.  bruised collar bones!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's Spring!!

Front Squat
Unbroken KB Swings
Unbroken Box Jumps
Unbroken Hang Power Snatch (75/55)

135# FS - did not go to failure
9:39 rx'd (22.5" box, 16kg KB)

strict paleo diet going well. though i did eat two paleo choc chip cookies today.  but other than that, strict paleo. today was my first day back after a week off to BAKE and not sleep. Not sleeping and allergies seemed to affect my body today, but overall pleased.