
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back to the grind... after a week of "bakery off"

10 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Air Squats

21:51 red band

When I first saw this I thought, oh 10 rounds of 10 sets, this is so manageable. By the fourth round I was starting to lose my grip abilities, and by the sixth round all I could think was FML.  Everything was rx'd with the exception of the pull-ups. At that volume I need a band - or maybe I don't ... but it would have taken another 10 minutes without a band ;) The good news is that I was cycling through the 10 for the first half and even when I had to start breaking them into sets of 5, I still had good height over the bar and control of my kip. Of course, pull-ups is what slowed me down. Push-ups were hard on my grip muscles, air squats and sit-ups were gloriously easy. Hard WOD mentally ... though today's looks like a real doozy for the brain too ...

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