
Monday, May 9, 2011

Pat Sherwood taught me this weekend :)

One of my favorite crossfitters, Pat Sherwood, was the instructor from Crossfit HQ at my Level One Cert this weekend. I was a little star struck - and he's super nice and friendly.  And watching him (and the others) workout was... awesome.  We had a handful of other kick-ass instructors (including Kelly Jo Smith from Montana who was a powerhouse - I want to grow-up to be just like her!).  I learned a ton, passed the test, and am home.. really sore .. from working out with PVC! :)

We did Fran on Saturday: 6:48 (65#, jumping pull-ups)
Sunday WOD: 7 minute Team AMRAP: partner 1: push-ups (hand release), partner 2: KB Swings (35#), racking up reps while partner 3: lunges length of parking lot and back. Then Rotate.  Our group fell out in the middle with 283 reps.

Learned some new technique for kipping my pull-up and got a couple strung together.. that was cool. And even cooler, I got my first full range, independent ring dip.  And by full-range, I mean I felt like I was in the negative with my chest below the rings. That was the coolest! The kipping push with the feet really helps!  I think DCFs ring dip volume training prepped me well for that work..  I also have such respect for my DCF coaches (not that I didn't before) but I got several compliments this weekend on my lifting technique... always pre-faced or followed with "it's not perfect but.."  Thats 100% Andrew, Christy and Noah and I am so thankful. Oh, it was also cool that when I wore my DCF t-shirt Pat was like .. DCF, how do I know DCF... oh Christy Phillips!!  Yeah baby, name recognition from HQ. I like it :)


  1. Way to go Jenn! I'm so proud and excited for you!

  2. Thanks B! It was SO much fun. I can't wait for Crossfit Kids cert :)
