
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christina Taylor Green

The Arizona shooting is a tragedy and has been so hard for folks in DC in particular to understand - so many of my Hill friends knew Gabe Zimmerman, so many of them could have been there with their representitive. It was so special for DCF to do this WOD Saturday and each time I stopped to breathe I found myself reflecting on why we were doing it:

AMRAP 20 minutes:
9 pull ups
9 squat cleans (135/95)
9 KB Swings, (32/24)
9 toes-to-bar
9 push press (135/95)
9 burpees
The 6 movements in the workout represent the 6 people who were killed. The 9 reps represent 9-year old Christina. And 20 minutes for 20 people wounded in the shooting.

squat cleans: 65#; KB 16#; PP 65#; red band
3 rounds +7 pull-ups

I was speedy through the first round -super speedy.  And then... my arms stopped working. Like seriously stopped - my head was saying move and they just kinda hung there.  That being said I was really happy with my output in this WOD - of course I wish I had done more, but isn't that always the case in xfit?? :)  My pull-ups rocked and for the first set I actually did toes to bar!  Second and third set were elbows the knees... but back to my first comment, MY PULL-UPS ROCKED!  I was well over the bar for all of them.  Oddly (or not so), the KB swings and pull-ups were my rest exercise.  The burpees were harrrrrd and are what killed my breathing/time.

DCF had a special guest today - it was wonderful having Kristin back, even if just for an hour.  I know everyone loved seeing her :)

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