
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weak Week

Rack Jerk

For Time:
1000m Row
75 Wall Balls (20/12)

Jerk 95#
WOD 11:08

ANALYSISI absolutely positively dislike any WODs with Olympic lifts in multiple sets, which require you to reset on your shoulders in between reps.  Honestly, I could have gotten a lot more weight up but bringing it back down on my neck hurt and freaked me out a bit.  This lift was ok; I had my normal challenges of getting under the bar.

This WOD was hard.  We don't row, ever. Mostly bc we only have one rowing machine. Apparently three more have been ordered.  So I feel like I am still perfecting my rowing technique but was pleased that I rowed 1000 meters under four mins.  Shocker after doing that, the wall balls were freaking hard.  I subbed an 8# ball for the 12# but went BOY height instead of the first line (o.k.a. girl height).

I am feeling a bit down this week. It started with the green band on the tail end of those strict pull-ups Monday and carried over into last night's WOD.  My arms are tired, so I am taking today off and hoping to attack fresh tmrw.  Tmrw is also HRC day at DCF - or so I have named it. Joe T, Katherine and Adam are all coming with me. This should be fun!

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