
Friday, January 7, 2011


January Fran Challenge. I couldn't do my benchmark WOD Saturday, so I was forced to do it this morning at 8am...  just to clarify, I am not a morning athlete (insert whine and cranky pout face here).

Thrusters, Pull-ups

For the challenge you had to slot into three categories: beginner (25/green), intermediate (45/red), Rx'd
Clearly I went for intermediate since I can NOT do pull-ups at that high reps :)  

So, the thrusters went real fast. I did them all unbroken, which is fab.  The pull-ups KILLED my time. My kip was for shit today.  Maybe due to working out in the morning, maybe to my womanly issues, maybe the headache I was nursing... whatever the reason, doesn't matter. I couldn't string more than 3 together at a time and it slowed me down big time.  Looking back on my last Fran execution, I completed the WOD at 65# using the green band in August, in 9:06. 

Ok, so it's a month long challenge. I need to work on my pull-ups and get down to 6mins for the final WOD in early Feb.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job, Jenn! You went up a band AND cut time off! Fantastico. :-)
