
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oh, there you are, Albus..."

New Years goal #1: stay consistent with my tracking of xfit WODs.  I need them to prove to myself that I am indeed improving and its nice to write it down (to celebrate a success, or be honest about a not-so-hot day).  Just be aware that some of the analysis', as I attempt to do this on a daily basis, might be quite short and movements un-linked.  
So, starting with today:
3 sets of max strict Ring Dips

12min AMRAP:
5 Power Cleans (155/115)
10 Wall Balls
red band: 14, 10, 8
Cleans @ 85# / 8lb ball to top line: 7 rounds +1 clean

I wasn't feeling it today. I was sore from Randy yesterday in my biceps - which apparently means I was powering up the weight instead of actually snatching it (this is not surprising - the more exhausted I get during a wod the more "loose" my form).  I also think being back in the office has left me a bit tired and my hips tight!  In any case, my clean wasn't jiving as much as I would have liked but I am happy with this amount of reps.  ALL my wall balls were unbroken sets of 10, of which I am really proud.  Wall ball is not my forte and I was winded after the first set.  Actually, a theme I am sensing here is that is often my cardio that fails first, not my muscles.  Girl gotta hit the road for some speed training to help with that.

Paleo eating is going well. I am really enjoying cooking - and loving using almond flour (now that I found affordable almond flour!).  AND proof is in the pudding... the past few times I have allowed myself a serious cheat (beyond a glass of wine or slices of cheese) my body gets nasty sick.  I think it's trying to send me a message ;)  NO MORE CRAP IN THE BODY!  And I am enjoying following that for now.