
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Houston, we've got ERGS!

5 Rounds:
1 Min Row (Calories)
1 Min Wall Ball (20#/14#)
1 Min Slapping pushups
2 Minutes Rest

201 total, 12#/top line/regular push-ups

I am a really good rower... a natural one actually :) (I think anyway ;) Used 12# ball so I could hit above the second line.  Did regular, hand release push-ups.  Wall ball was the sucker (of life, breathe, energy, etc.) for this one.  Averaged 15 calories on rower, 9-12 PUs, and between 9-15 on WBs.
My body just doesn't move in the morning, whether its 6am or 8am... I much prefer 6pm wods.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Holy forearms Batman!

Push Press
Then ...
Chest to Bar Pullups
Hang Power Snatch (75/55)

105# PP
red band, 45# 9:12 (PUs 10, 5, 2, 5, 10)

my pull-ups were solid tonight. Chest to bar on all of them.  Everyone was required to scale to ensure chest to bar.  i thought the snatch was going to be super light - i guess it was light by damn, my grip was shot.  my forearms are still one solid lump of continuously-flexed muscle. push press was fine. i got 105 up pretty easily but didn't feel like going heavier.  I have lost a bit of motivation for one rep max's ... as long as I continue to push myself, I don't feel bad about not going to failure. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

Dirty Diane-ah!

Overhead Squat
Deadlifts (225/155)
Handstand Pushups

95# OHS
135# DL, 15#dumb bell strict press

OHS is always a challenge but Andrew had some excellent tips as far as butt and bar position goes. I was really focusing... so much that towards the last lifts my knees started caving in!  Thats unusual for me in a squat but I felt it immediately and self corrected. 95# was heavy but not struggling. Could have gone heavier but didn't have much time and didn't want to kill myself before the WOD for a three rep max.

I REALLLYYYY want to be able to do handstand push-ups. We didn't have much time to practice handstands, ie. I didn't practice at all. And the sub was strict push press instead of box push-ups which made me happy. The box pu's never feel like the right sub to me ... I wish I had done 20 or 25# dumbbells. I cranked through the 15# pretty easily.  The DL weight was challenging after the first set of 21 but I just wonder if I 10 or 20#s more would really have made a difference.  Eh, either way, it went fast and I am delightfully not sore in my lower back today!  That's a milestone :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Crossfit Games Open WOD 1

Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
10 Minutes AMRAP:
30 Double Unders
15 Snatches

110# clean
20DUs, 55# bar; 4 rounds +10DUs

Ok, I think my counting may have been off on this WOD.  I thought it was 4 rounds, but now am thinking 3... either way, this WOD was an ass-kicker. I was going to complain about being three days on, really really sore from yesterday, but in reality the snatches really f*ck with your ability to move your arms for the DUs regardless of whatever other factors one has going on.  Surprisingly so.  In any case, I was off today and couldn't string more than 5 DUs at any given moment which just frustrated the hell out of me and made them that much more impossible.

Clean felt good, though lower back and quads are still tight from yesterday and I felt it every time I lifted. I was focusing on my extension and I think my form was better for it. Definitely feeling more comfortable with the lift.  Got 110 up smoothly.  I am however doing a new thing where I just sit in the bottom of my squat (with the weight) re-adjusting (ahem, getting my elbows up) before I stand.  Very interesting. Its almost as if I am thinking about whether to toss the weight or actually get up. LOL!  Lucky for me I have a fantastically strong squat and sitting on 110 is fine.  As I get heavier though I will need to get over this new little tick! :)

Bang bang, he shot me down.

??minute AMRAP:
4 Deadlifts (275/185)
6 Sit ups
8 Pistols

75# Press
165# DL, pistol with red band 8 rounds + 4DL + 6SU (I think it was an 8 min AMRAP? unclear.)

I was quite happy with my press.  75# x5 is a strong improvement for me AND I think I could have gotten 80# up but we ran out of time.  On the last 75# lift, I was comfortable and then just struggled a wee bit on the fifth rep. Nice job Miller!

I wish we had more time to set-up for the WOD. I haven't done pistols since we were working out with Christy at Liz's condo gym!!  So really, I haven't ever officially tried them. We were moving so fast to set up for the WOD I didn't get a chance to play with them a bit before starting.  That being said, using the band was fine and probably helped me better understand how to move OUT of the pistol - which is the hardest part for me. I have the strength, just lose my balance towards the end.  After the WOD, I tried a few just balancing against the wall - and thats what I should have done for the WOD. It was more challenging but more like an actual pistol and I didn't have trouble getting up (and that's post-workout!).  Then I tried a few with no assistance.  Squatting on the left leg was not pretty :)  The right leg, I got up once!!  I think it really helps to lean forward - trying to keep my chest up and get up balanced is not possible for me right now.  Sooo, yeah! That's exciting and I liked this WOD. Moved fast.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fuzzy Math.

Back Squat
Then for time*:
40 Snatch
40 OHS
40 Power Clean
40 Push Press
*One Kettlebell (1.5/1). Divide amongst arms as much as necessary.

155# back squat
20#, 8:25

Thanks to my inability to count, I actually got155# up for the back squat. I thought it was 150# ... either way, it was a piece of cake weight-wise for a 3 rep back squat. I definitely could have gone heavier but we were working the threesome rotation on our rack and ran out of time. No worries; I got the work done.
The WOD was ok.  Lots of squatting. I always find my footwork to be be weird when we use dumbbells for lifting movements.  But with 40 reps a pop, I got comfortable around rep 20. Think I should have challenged myself with 25 or 30#.  That seems to be my theme for the week ...
Layne, Billie and I - oh and Robin joined us! - completed our 100 sit-ups for time. I improved! A lot!! down to 3:19.  Still working to get that below 3 minutes.  Pull-ups were ok. I strung two together easily and then kinda puttered out.  Still working my way to stringing 5... I have faith its gonna happen soon. Was also able to do my one strict pull-up still. Thats kinda cool and makes me feel really strong while I am doing it. I can feel my (HUGE!) muscles working ;)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Today was a great day for a workout.

Max Box Jump
5 Rounds:
6 Push Jerks (135/95)
6 Ring Dips
6 Box Jumps (75%)

31" box jump
65#, red band, 24"box+25lb weight
5:37 or 5:17 can't remember :)

Box jumps were fun, although I am still a little gun shy on the actual jump. My cycling is getting really good, which makes me happy :)  I probably could have gone heavier on the push jerk but wanted to be speedy and finish around 5min mark, which I did.  Ring dips were comfortable on the red band. In fact, I tried to do a dip sans band - yeah, not quite ready for that... but with some practice I will get there. It wasn't a complete failure to push up; I was just about 1/2way.

Post WOD Billie, Layne and I did 100 butterfly sit-ups for time (3:35) and practiced pull-ups.  We are trying a new thing to build capacity (us three ladies!) - after every WOD we cycle pull-ups adding one PU to the cycle each day.  So we started the cycle at 2 today, which we all did comfortably.  Wednesday we will attempt to do three, Thursday four and so forth.  If you fail at a number, stay at that number until you get it.  The goal is to get to 10 cycled pull-ups by mid-April.  I felt so comfortable and strong with the pull-up today, and even threw out a strict pull-up. I find I have a lot more power without the band - I think I get a larger range of motion in my hips/with my kip.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

District Crippler indeed.

THEN ...
“District Crippler”
30 Deadlifts (1.5xBW)
Run 1 Mile

115# jerk (I think, might have been 110)
#125; 10:10

I enjoy this WOD even though I loathe running ... it actually feels good to run after the deadlifts - which probably means I am not running fast enough.  Andrew said this should be completed under 10mins and my back was still sore from last weeks deadlift max SO I scaled the DL weight.  In hindsight, I should have gone a little heavier. I did 25 DLs and then 5 - so basically unbroken.  I think I could have gone to 145 or 155# and not have lost that much time.  Oh well.   
LOVE LOVE LOVE the guys that sit out on the parking lot wall on the street behind DCF. They are always so encouraging and honestly, the only reason I bust my ass up that street!  Always so thankful for those guys on these running WOD days :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

They're break-dance fighting!

“I think I have the Black Lung”
Box Jumps (24/20)
Med Ball Cleans (20/16)

Rx'd, 11:42

The best part of this WOD (besides being named after one of my all-time favorite movies!!) was the warm-up. Instead of lifting we did volume training pull-ups (ie. as many pull-ups as you can without struggling on the minute for 12 minutes). I was pacing about 4-6 pull-ups/minute towards the end.  I really enjoyed this and think its something I will try to work into every workout, before/after, for the next few weeks to see how it helps.
I was super sore in my legs from Mondays WOD, and somewhat sore in my lower back from Tuesdays deadlifts, so I knew this WOD was going to be a challenge. I am really close to being able to cycle box jumps on 20" which is AH-mazing.  Med cleans were fine, more a pain in the quads than anything else. Then there are burpees...OH BURPEES! :( They slow me down every time. I just couldn't get into a fast rhythm and thats where I lost time.  All in all, happy with this score, though would have liked to be under 10mins. 
Last night was one of those nights were I was so sore I couldn't really sleep. I feel much better today after an intense massage on my back and legs from S. He's a real sweetheart for taking care of me in all my whiny glory!    

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Death by anything is awesome!

Then ...
Death by Thrusters (135/95)

235# deadlift; 65# WOD 10 rounds+8reps

I went into the deadlift work knowing that I wasn't going to PR today - I haven't completed a deadlift, in a WOD or max rep, since November.  Its just been timing.  My max in November was 235# and I leveled out today at 235#.  Not bad.  I could have gotten 240# up but didn't have time to try. I failed at 245#  Couldn't get past that sticky zone.  So let's see where that number goes in 45 days. I *heart* deadlifts almost as much as squats :)
I wasn't sure how to scale this WOD so went with rx'd Fran.  The first few thrusters felt weird on my right shoulder, but then got better.  Or rather, I was throwing the weight up more vs. pushing.  I was the second to last to finish, which made me happy. I wish I pushed through that last set - I could have done it, and not just saying that in post-WOD bliss...  The person that beat me was lifting 20lbs less, so I am pleased ;)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Running is to good as weather is to warm.

Not sure I did that right ... point being, it was the perfect day to be running outside. I can't wait for the garage doors to be open again!
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
3 Rounds:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (24/16kg)
12 Pullups

115# for push; 13:30 (25# and red band)

I was very pleased with my three reps at 115# for push press. I could have gone higher (at least for two reps ;) but we were running out of time and three reps aren't supposed to be for maxing ... but I was feeling the lifting today.  The WOD... I should have done the 16 kettle.  I did all swings unbroken and fast... it was too light. The pull-ups were fine.  The run killed my time. Shocker.  Fun WOD today.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"So, how did that feel?"

"Like a fight gone bad!"

FGB  Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20/14 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
Rest 1 minute
Rx'd. 201

Figuring that its the first time I have done FGB and having just walked off about 4 hours sleep after a cross country flight - I'll take it!  I went in wanting to break 300 but after having my ass handed to me (literally, since the day before I scarfed on at least 3 doughnuts and a cuban!), I was pleased with 201.  I thought I rocked every movement EXCEPT the box jumps. I just couldn't cycle through and after the first round was getting about 12.  Also, I started with ROW. Probably not the best idea, but we had a full house so we had to stagger.  I didn't realize that row was supposed to be the rest (according to Christy, no matter how hard you row its not enough time to do damage on points, but enough to kill your lung capacity - row light and make up reps faster during the other movements).  So I blew my first row bringing in 34 calories - yeah, should have been more like 12-15.  

This WOD was the kick-off to the spring paleo challenge so I will be doing it again in 50 days. Looking fwd to seeing a difference in score, especially since I am not travelling in between then and now and will actually have some consistency (ie. at least 4 days/week) in getting to the gym.  Also, not participating (ie. paying) formally in paleo challenge, but am trying to do a 50 day cleanse.  Sooo, we'll see how that goes - oh, and exceptions when baking for OOB, like tonight.  I am making fig newtons!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Run Jenny Run!

4 Rounds:
400m Run
50 Air Squats

75#, 15:39

I had the most beautiful clean today. Technique was perfect, absolutely perfect. Great extension.  And it felt wonderful - and different.  I was so freaking happy! I did a happy dance. Again, not trying for max 2 rep, just playing around with technique and comfortable weight.
Running WODs are never my thing. This was fine.  My lower back is starting to get sore which is an unexpected side effect.  Air squats were good but I need to stay off my toes (tired = toes).  Glad I got to sneak out again today to move a little bit :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

It burns burns burns!!

Split Jerk
4 Rounds:
5 Clean & Jerks (185/135)
10 Burpee-Handstand Pushups

14:46 85#, 15# man-makers

Working on technique, getting better about getting under the bar.  I enjoy these technique days - lighter weight and really pushing myself to nail the smaller details.  Specifically, trying to focus on planting my front foot - not landing on my toes.  This WOD was a ball buster. Halfway through, dying to stop but couldn't. This reminded me of the marathon where walking hurt more than running - I knew if I stopped I wouldn't be to start back up.  As soon as I stopped, the burn set in. Man-makers... DAMN. Nasty sub for handstand push-ups.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

So we kick, push, kick, push, coasssst - and that's the way we roll ...

Then ...
5 Rounds:
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
2 Strict Pull Up
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
4 Strict Pull Ups

80# press, tried 85# twice and almost made it... but no dice!
7:40  65#press and blue band strict pull-ups (first round red band) 

The press was good. I was excited to get 80# up with no problem really... definitely stalled at 85#.  I have gotten 85# up once before but think it was a lifting fluke. It hasn't happened since! :) I continue to be frustrated with using the blue band for strict pull-ups.  I really wanted to use the red band the whole way through but I couldn't get up after the first round.  I registered for my Crossfit Cert 1 in Chicago today (May 7-8) and am determined to be band free by then (at least with kipping!!). Those strict pull-ups are so damn challenging and I am SORE today (in all the appropriate "butterfly" areas).  The 65# press felt really light... 
Sad to miss today's deadlift and back squat WOD :( BUT happy that I have more downtime during the day then I thought this week (Board meeting, blah!) so I can get a workout in Friday and Saturday afternoons.  I am in good spirits :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The FUN WOD (and hard WOD!)

Max Weighted Strict Pullup
15 Minutes AMRAP:
30 Double Unders
7 Squat Cleans (95/65)

#25 negative pull-ups
65# 7 rounds + 5cleans

Since I can't do a strict pull-up without the band, Andrew had me working on the negative.  It was pretty funny when I reached my max - you just kinda go straight down off the bar :) I was able to do 3 second holds  on my way down with 25# and a 1/2 and 1/2 grip.  When I tried both hands griping outward, no such luck!

My double unders were pretty damn good for not doing a WOD with du's in a month+.  I had fun with this workout.  As soon as you start you are winded and it doesn't stop until you stop moving. I was really proud that I cycled through 7 squat cleans without a rest almost every round. I also got my ass on the bar and completed 5 squat cleans with time running out... I don't usually do that.  All in all, fun and I felt good about myself afterwards. YEAH!